Quote from ‘How The Light Gets In’, by Louise Penny.

“Ruth held fast to Rosa’s eyes.
Finally Jean-Guy’s hand stopped, and rested.
Ruth nodded.
“I’m glad,” he said.
“She took the long way home,” said Ruth. “Some do, you know.”

Sometimes it does take a long way to find home. The Three Pines community has become a kind of home for me. In imagination, I can walk through Three Pines, have brioche and café au lait with Olivier and Gabri, bathe grandbabies and go for walks with Reine Marie, converse with Armand Gamache, stroke sweet Henri, talk books with Myrna, take joy in Ruth’s irreverence …and so much more. I find solace, comfort and sanctuary there.

A new place can feel scary sometimes. We miss the ambiance of the old and familiar. It’s not easy to navigate new spaces, create new roots, plant seeds in new soil. I think perhaps that we may feel that way in this new site as we seek out the friends we have grown to love and enjoy. I know that is true for me. The LP group has become a bridge where I walk between the fictional Three Pines and the very real people who read and breathe and imbibe it. I believe that wherever we create Three Pines, we are there, at home with friends.



  1. So well said, JoAnne. More than ever, we need connections and the support of “friends from Three Pines”.
    We get through the power outages mentioned above, the darkness, and build up the courage to carry on with that support.
    Lope, Vancouver, Canada

  2. Oh! I am so happy to find you here! I love your posts and your writing and look very forward to hearing more from you. It’s so comforting to see that you and so many others from our group are wanting to stay connected to one another. This is such a lovely community!

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