Three weeks away!

Our official discussions for The Grey Wolf are three weeks away, with the first question to be posted on Nov. 29th. We’ve posted the discussion schedule with our proposed questions on the discussion page for The Grey Wolf (, so please feel free to take a peek.

We have just over two weeks worth of questions! Well, we have more than two weeks worth, but we’ve cut off our “Wisdom of Gamache” questions for our official discussion as it seemed a bit much. But, we are very open to hearing what you think, so please leave a comment and let us know. Are there questions that you think we should leave off of the schedule? Are there any questions that you’d like to see added? Do you think two weeks of questions is too long? Too short? We are always happy to hear your thoughts.

Many members have already had their first reads and are starting on their second go at the Wolf. So if you haven’t finished your read yet, you may not want to click through to the discussion thread…they are live! Many members have already left comments for some of the questions.

Here’s another question: have you ever tasted black sesame or yuzu? If so, what did you think? If not, are you curious?



  1. Thanks for the heads up, both about the coming discussion and the likelihood that reading your questions may risk spoilers if one has not finished “The Grey Wolf.” I will wait but I do have one response. I cannot imagine two weeks of questions being too manny. At about three quarters of the way through, I am impressed with the depth of character development and the intricacies of the plot. I am confident you could write more than two weeks of interesting and thoughtful questions. Thanks in advance for your work on the discussion and on maintaining our group!

  2. I agree with Jane! It’s been two long years since the last Gamache so we could really dig into The Grey Wolf deeply with more questions. The only issue with more questions is that two weeks of discussion questions will push us to around Dec 13 for the last questions. If we add more questions, would it risk running too close to the holidays and suffer from lack of attention?

  3. I tend to agree with Katherine’s point about running questions past Dec. 13. Maybe, if there’s enough interest we could add some questions after the first of the year. Holiday activities will have wrapped up and people will be facing the winter doldrums. Might be a good time to revisit The Grey Wolf then.

  4. I’m excited to finally figure out how to comment on this site!! 😂 I’ll look forward to beginning our discussions! (I am a little sad that the LP Book Clu page on fb has been paused, however. But I’ll get over it! Lol


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