During our discussion on Iron Lake by William Kent Krueger, Jane Baechle made a comment regarding Frost’s poem, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, so when this image was sent to us today, we immediately thought about Jane and our discussion.
Jane said, “A parting commenting on Cork and the person we meet. He is not a particular fan of poetry but the final line of Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” resonates with him, “And miles to go before I sleep.” But the line before that is the one that I think truly captures the person he is and what he stands for. That line is “And I have promises to keep.” He is fundamentally about keeping promises.”
There is a goodness in the main characters of the books we love that draws us to them and compels us to read the stories of their adventures. A goodness that exists in Cork and Gamache, and many of the other heroes we love. And perhaps its because a part of that spirit also exists in all of us here.
Kindred spirits as some have said in our group.
Goodness exists here.
Thank you so much for connecting all of this, the authors we read, the characters we love and the people we meet in Book Club Friends. In some ways, Cork and Armand are so different but so fundamentally similar in their commitment to others and their essential goodness. This is an important and central message, especially for me and at this time. Thanks again!