This reminds me of the wonderful piece in the Washington Post shared by Jane the other day. Not everyone can donate or benefit from big acts of generosity, but small acts of kindness are easier to give more frequently and to a larger number of people who can benefit. I have a deep appreciation for acts of kindness, not only acts that benefit me, but also kindness that I see between others.



  1. …or hold a door open for the person behind you or say excuse me when we walk in front of someone in the grocery aisle. Technology is a wonderful tool but somehow we have need to stop it from destroying our sense of humanity. From destroying human interaction and kindness. We are losing sight of the golden rule – “Do unto others as you would have then do unto you”. I ‘m with you mei lin!!

  2. Yes, I agree with everyone here. A little more kindness and humanity. I think Libby is right in the distance that is created with technology, especially when some news sources and apps are well known to have comment sections that are best avoided. The online world is convenient, but maybe that convenience breeds an attitude where ease and concern for self is normalized over concern for others.


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