I saw the post about Margaret Atwood, and it brought to mind this quote from Judy Blume.

Blume wrote many of my childhood favorites books, including "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" and "Tiger Eyes". She's been writing children's and young adult fiction for decades. And her frank discussion of topics like religion, puberty, and sexuality in these books has made her one of the most frequently challenged children's authors.

But Blume has never bowed to criticism, even when she was a relatively new author. She persisted in writing openly and honestly about issues affecting young people. She's also well known for speaking up for authors, teachers, librarians, and others who face disapproval, insults, and even the loss of jobs and careers because they refuse to remove books from the hands of young readers. She has become a champion for children's freedom to read, as well as authors' freedom to write, about topics that some find controversial.

The power of words and knowledge.

"A word after a word after a word is power." ~ Margaret Atwood


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