Please accept my dog tax Walter. He is rescued from the shelter so I don't know what breed he is, but I have done some testing on my own and I am quite certain that he is 50% slobber and 50% gas. He may also have a bit of elephant blood in his tail that has made sure that every piece of furniture undergoes a "launched from table top test". He is a 90 pounds and thinks he is a lap dog, and my lap is also his happy place to share his slobber and gas.



  1. I always found my dog’s silent killers to be funny. Deadly, but still funny. The long strands of drool, not so much, but it was not frequent, only after running hard on hot days at the park. My pockets were always stuffed with extra poop bags and tissues in case things needed to be wiped down. Go out with pockets full, come home with empty pockets, refill for the next outing. 50% poop bags, 50% tissues, 100% worth every effort.

  2. Well now…this is embarrassing, I had the image of a bull in a china shop when I mentioned the destruction caused by Walter’s tail, but somehow elephant came out in the description instead of bull. When I was writing this post, Walter was in his happy place doing his happy thing, so I’m going to pass the blame on the happy gas for my brain fart!

  3. Oh, gotta love Walter (was he named after the dog in the book? Or maybe he was the SUBJECT….) What an adorable mug. Your description reminds me of Henri and his “compliments.” One of my cats is currently experiencing more of this phenomenon in his old age. It seems to puzzle him….

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