I am fairly confident that if Olivier and Gabri had a cafe in New Orleans, they would serve beignet!



  1. Yum! I’m pretty sure they would serve it – it’s definitely a Three Pines-worthy goodie. In Quebec beignets or any kind of donut is called “beigne”. They also have their own unique kind of donut called croquignoles. Same idea as a beignet – deep fried dough in all kinds of shapes and sometimes sprinkled with powdered sugar much like your delicious-looking ones.

  2. Happy for you, but also very jealous! Bistro talk is right up my alley. The good thing about online communities is that you can’t see me sitting here in my pjs, staring at the photo, channeling my inner Walter (ahem…not the gas half of Walter, the drool half)!

  3. This is also on my wish list of foods to try, especially in New Orleans! That is an authentic dessert from the best place you can find it. Thank you for sharing, I also love all foodie things.


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