Cat tax payment nod for today. Guess who!



  1. I was thinking this was a picture of Nancy’s home, with Twitch and Liam as the pampered indoor cats on the left who can barely handle being fed their kibble, and then the “street smart” family of feral cats, Louie, Fuller, Twix or Smokey on the right. So 50% right.

    But I love that we have more personality reveals with Tatiana and Bella now. Just like Louise slowly peeling away the layers of the onion to reveal more details in her Three Pines characters!

    Tatiana is such a funny cat!

    And Bella…thank you? I don’t think I would like to find dead mice in my shoes. I am a little scared of mice. But I can see from Bella’s point of view that it is a loving gesture. And, she is also very helpful to keep the home clean and rodent free.


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