I enjoyed the Grey Wolf in terms of the voice it gave to eco-terrorism, a very real fear that is of relevance and concern these days. It is full of suspense, plot twists and intrigue which grabs the mind. It is beautifully written. However, in all truth, I did not receive my usual sense of belonging, of being at home in Three Pines with all my beloved friends which creates the Louise Penny ambiance I love so much. I missed the comraderie, the sense of family, the riding the tide of a spell-binding mystery while simultaneously being held within the safety of something greater than the plot itself. I didn’t receive that in this book.
Grey Wolf contains a somewhat different Gamache, especially during the first half. It unsettled me. I am generally not a big fan of “cliff-hangers” at the end of a book. I don’t know what this says about my personality, but I like the satisfaction a mystery fully solved within the pages of one book. Will I read The Black Wolf? Most definitely! I will also read The Grey Wolf again, and soon. I always find during a second reading nuances and pithy bits of philosophy that I missed the first time. I tend to read the first time in big breathless gulps. My second reading is always slower, in more dainty sips.
By the end of the next book I want and hope to see an Armand fully restored to himself, with the other characters gathered around him peacefully, laughing, sharing banter, eating, drinking, bringing me home to Three Pines in all its beauty and mystery.
I love the way you have described how you read the books depending on the number of times you’ve read them; big gulps vs dainty sips. Perfect!! Your writing is always so wonderfully eloquent, beautifully descriptive and lovingly crafted. I am so happy to see your post and to see that you have joined our group here again.
I completely understand your point of view on The Grey Wolf. We have been having good conversations here on the different thoughts and impacts the book has had on us. I look forward to seeing more of your thoughts and opinions on all the different topics that are brought up here to chat about. 🙂
Hello!!! I’m so pleased to read your post! I’ve missed your lovely writing and I hope to see you here more often. 🙂