After reading the news every day I find myself retreating to the books and somehow, after reading Louise's words, I feel comforted. There is something about these books that holds a very strong appeal.

It's not that everything in Three Pines is always peaceful or perfect. There is both good and evil there, like everywhere. There is drama and peril. And so many murders! But
I think the best way to explain is to quote Louise herself.

"Some might argue that Three Pines itself isn't real, and they'd be right, but limited in their view. The village does not exist, physically. But I think of it as existing in ways that are far more important and powerful. Three Pines is a state of mind. When we choose tolerance over hate. Kindness over cruelty. Goodness over bullying. When we choose to be hopeful, not cynical. Then we live in Three Pines."

Some of us live in Three Pines, the lucky ones. Some of us find echoes of Three Pines in our memories. Some of us retreat to Three Pines when we need to. And some, it seems, as in the books, will never find it. Three Pines doesn't appear on any maps and is unknown to even GPS. This is so true for so many of life's lessons.

But those of us who know it, those of us who yearn to find it, must be true to its state of mind. We must always hope and not become cynical. That way, we will never be lost. We can always find our way home. To Three Pines.

And that is a comfort.

I can see by the posts and comments and the goodwill that is Book Club Friends and all the friends who come here to share thoughts and make an effort to contribute to this community that we have found our home. Our Three Pines on the Internet that enables us all to bond in a way that most people will never experience with Internet strangers. This place is special, with friends with kindred spirits.

And this space, this community, this little corner of the Internet, is a comfort, just as much as Louise's books.



  1. This is so true. Everyone here has shown nothing but kindness, good humour, support and an incredible amount of consideration for others. This is a wonderfully unique community and the spirit of Three Pines does indeed exist in everyone here.


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