The discussion question for today is for audiobook listeners and I am a lover of audiobooks. As a nod towards the topic today, I present…random confessions!

My random confession: Since I listen to the audiobooks at night I sometimes doze off and then wake sometime later, several chapters later! It's such a problem!! I've started using the sleep timer, but then find it cuts off sooner than I'm ready, and then I have to fumble to try to finish a sentence or a scene, or I doze off before the timer stops, and I'm left with the same problem of going back to try to find the spot where I last left off. A much more annoying task with audiobooks than it is with physical books, where skimming pages to look for familiarity can be quick.

Another random confession related to audiobooks: I sometimes set the playback speed to 1.5x or even 2x for books that I am having a difficult time getting into and just want to know what happens and "get it over with". I do not like starting books and not finishing them. One thing I never do is skip to the end though.



  1. Confession of a non-audiobook user. I have never really considered audio books. I would either need to leave my hearing aids in longer or wear head phones so the printed word is my choice. Having said that, I suffer from a similar malady while reading at night, dozing off and needing to figure out what I last read. That sometimes means I find details I missed so it has its benefits!


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