Home is more than a place.
It's a feeling, a sanctuary, and a collection of moments that shape our lives.
Whether it's the comfort of familiar walls, the joy of gathering with loved ones, or the peace of solitude,
Home holds a unique meaning for everyone.
Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong and laughter never ends.
Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.
Artist: Marianna Szytma
Substitute "Three Pines" for "Home" or "BCF" for "Home"
I love this so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Oh, this is so nice Nancy! It is such a lovely thing to visit a place and feel at home, knowing there is only kindness, support, encouragement and respect. I have seen a lot of consideration for others here, it is really so refreshing. Thank you for sharing this sentiment and helping to solidify this as part of how we are, and who we are, in this online home of ours.
You know, mei lan, you describe others as more eloquent than you in their comments but I just don’t see that!
Jane, you are such a nice person. Your sincerity in thought for others is so evident in everything you do and type. You go out of your way to make the effort too, it’s not just kindness out of convenience. I think that your family and your friends are very lucky people.
I think I am lucky, and we are lucky too, that this community seems to have attracted so many truly nice people. And now we get to know each other a little better because of scammers or silly conflicts about actors or the correct definition of spoiler or what other people can and cannot chat about. And also because this shack takes effort to get comfortably seated and the leaky roof makes it impossible to be completely comfortable really, but still, here we sit together.
There’s a crack in everything and that’s how the light gets in. And everyone here is shining so brightly.