This is Darla, my sweet rescue cat.



      1. Isabella is a rescue feral kitten who looks like a Russian Blue but I’m sure she’s not purebred. She is a spunky girl who loves to play with me and my husband. But, she does not liked to be touched. So we accept her for who she is.

  1. I love reading these cat tax stories. They demonstrate and inspire resilience, as well as the kindness and compassion in humans to help those who need it most. Thanks for sharing, Lorraine. It’s lovely to see you and Darla here. 🙂

  2. Oh, Darla is just gorgeous! My brother has a similarly colored cat who we suspect has Russian Blue heritage. He’s got a great personality, and also loves to cuddle up close. He likes to drool, too, when content, which is often, so it’s imperative to keep tissues close by!


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