"I'm sure glad you're home. The Christmas tree fell over and almost killed me!"

I sure hope this isn't a nod to anyone's cat here! 😀



  1. It is, thankfully, not a nod to mine. But, I have a friend and neighbor who has decided to forego a Christmas tree this year after getting two rescue kittens, one of whom would absolutely be the proximate cause of just this event. Thanks for a humorous accompaniment to my coffee!

  2. My childhood cat, Dusty, took our tree down every evening just after everyone went to bed. By the time Christmas came we had only a couple ornaments left. One year I put a hook in the wall and tied the tree to the hook – oh wait that was my baby daughter not the cat!!!! LOL!

  3. None of my many cat friends over the decades ever succeeded with quite as much destruction as that picture, but they did their best! Bent branches, broken ornaments, etc. — had to forego any tinsel, of course, and no breakables on the lower branches…. eventually I just gave up. My current EEjit will consume any foreign object he can chew on, and will eat (then regurgitate spectacularly) any type of decoration, be it pine, plastic, sequins, artificial greenery — and he will climb pretty much anywhere to get to them, so I have given up all decent efforts of seasonal decorating around here. I’d rather have a live EEjit than a pretty house these days, though I do miss the ambience sometimes. I can hang an outside wreath, though. That’s about the extent of it!

      1. “regurgitate spectacularly” and “downstream effects” 😂 Never a dull moment, is there? Better a home full of life and things to clean than a spotless house that nobody wants to live in or visit. Thanks for the laughs this morning!

    1. I have also given up on decorating a tree because I would rather, like you, have my two safe and not sick than have a pretty house. I have put my trees outside with three spruce in the front yard and several junipers there and one in the back. There they can be decorated by the snow when it comes and little birds.


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