*Spoiler Alert for The Grey Wolf

Hello friends!
We’ve been reading the comments from the latest discussion and had a little “nerdy” inspiration to develop a new way to share our research on the books we love.
Do you remember that we had mentioned that we had seeds and were ready to build shack 2.0? Well, we won’t go out on a limb and claim that we’re there yet, but we are making some changes and we wanted to share them with you. We know that some of our friends are pining fir the interactions we once enjoyed on FB and are a little stumped on how to use BCF; we’re working on some new ideas on how to spruce up this site. Please consider this our olive branch.
We know, changes are not often poplar, and many often say to leaf things alone if they’re not broken, but do let us know what you think. Hopefully our efforts won’t be in vein. So far, we’ve only made changes that affect The Grey Wolf, knott the rest of the books in the series. This might be acorny joke, but please don’t ever be afraid to ask if you find yourself wondering howl you find anything. Your feedback helps us find cracks in the shack, which is how the light gets in, as yew all know. If you like the new format, we wood love to know that too, so can make sure it sticks.
We’ve uprooted some resources and replanted them to allow you to find all you might need for The Grey Wolf in one space. As you’ll see, you will be able to contreebute to the logs, if you’d like and can carve out the time.
The carousel below demonstrates the newest addition to our list of resources. Thanks to everyone who engaged with the post regarding book-inspired travels and commented in the forums, here is The Grey Wolf branch of locations in the series.
A last note, and this might be a little sappy, but we dearly appreciate you all! We would have spelt that apree-tree-ate, but that would have been a step too far. Sometimes, one’s instincts say that it’s time to stop, it’s time forest.
I believe I have never read so many puns, plays on words, creative misspellings and corny jokes in a single message ever! This may be an objective record. I like the discussion page and how it provides background info that adds to the story and the discussion, at least for me. Given that TGW has so many characters and places to keep track of, that is helpful.
It’s good to try to be the best at something!
It’s oakay if you’re not the best too. Olive you are so thoughtful and concedarate.
I think the admins were just making acorny joke about being the best! With the constant stream of upsetting headlines and major recent events that are so concerning, life can be a beech and kick us in the ash (I’m groaning too!), so it’s nice to see more lighthearted posts. And, what a fun contrast this is on a site that celebrates LP’s amazing writing.
Well I love the carousel of Grey Wolf sites. For a Yankee like me it’s wonderful to see places I’ve read about. Now when I re-read The Grey Wolf I’ll have an even better visual image of where Gamache and crew are.
If you decide you want the grammar police to edumacate your English let me no!!!! Loved it all.
It’s impressive how you take into consideration everything we say about BCF and work to make changes happen. Please know you are greatly appreciated.
Be careful of what you offer, Libby. You might find a bunch of us Canadians at your door after we’ve trekked down on our moose!
That would be a sight! LOL! And I also like seeing pictures of the sites.