"Spotted These Four Angels With Their Dog Walker Ar The Pub Yesterday- Apparently They Sit With Him Every Day While He Has A Coffee And Reads The Paper. My Heart Could Barely Handle It"
Allison Elizabeth shared this photo and it's going viral to some degree. This feels like an echo back to the discussion on Open Da Night we had here days ago, where the focus was on a local's only type of establishment that has created a sense of familiarity, relaxation, comfort and safety.
This photo gives me the impression that this space is cozy and welcoming. The presence of dogs screams UK, and also an additional layer of acceptance, similar to the warmth and inviting atmosphere Jane spoke about with respect to the microbrewery that she and her husband enjoy taking their dog to. Because their cutie Dolly gets liberal pets, the message is that you and all of your family are welcome; that we're happy to see you here and enjoy your company.
I think that for me, there's an additional layer of familiarity and comfort with other people who love animals and show affection to your special fur friend. I think that might be a reason I love seeing the cat taxes and all the other taxes, because it has enabled us to share parts of our lives and families and feel Internet love and acceptance.
It took one call from an admin to pay the cat tax, although it was a call that could've been easily ignored. But it wasn't. We all jumped on board and shared cute and funny stories and in an instant, this space got a little warmer, friendlier, familiar, comforting and safe. Amazing!
So I hope to continue to see tax contributions from those who have adventures or experiences or thoughts or beautiful meals or whatever it might be that you want to share. Every post and comment and thought in our discussions is warmly welcomed and appreciated.
Beautifully said. I love how animals bring out the humanity in most people. They build wonderful bridges between the four legged world and the two legged world.