Ok, I saw the post on The Black Wolf and the anxiety has started already! I can't wait to read this one, particularly because of the last line and how things were left in The Grey Wolf. My prediction for TBW is that it will be another excellent book that we will be able to dig into and find all sorts of treasures together that we missed when we read it alone. I know for a fact that I will not see half the things people in this group will point out!! But that's why this group is so precious.

Because I'm not just excited about TBW announcement, but because I'm feeling all the other types of feels, I'm sharing a few lighter memes to lighten the mood (maybe I'm the only one who needs levity though?!) and have a bit of fun.

Just remember that I wasn't the one who floated the idea of sharing puns, it's a slipper-y path to slide down, and just like the actor photos on Facebook, these could easily clog the feed. I'm going to share a few more of these today, I just hope they won't be too wearing.


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