Bleu Bénédictin

Made by Benedictine monks in Saint-Benoit-du-Lac, Quebec, and aged for over 90 days, this semi-soft blue cheese has a pale grey natural rind and savoury, earthy flavours balanced by a creamy paste. This is the only monk operated cheese farmhouse in North America.

The cheese is firm and crumbly, like an English stilton, but with a slightly creamy texture. Medium sharpness, salty and earthy in the finish. 

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    1. The discussion guide says this cheese is mentioned in Chapter 6, “Reine-Marie cut off a tranche of Bleu Bénédictin, made by the monks in the nearby abbey of Saint-Benoit-du-Lac, and placed it on a slice of baguette from Sarah’s Boulangerie.” Yum! Fresh baguette and cheese would be perfect to go with the discussions!


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