Hello friends!

We’d like to know all your favourite authors, please!

We can’t make any promises, but we are looking into upcoming ARCs and, depending on the publisher/distributor and other supply chain details, we may be able to continue to share our ARCs with our dearest friends. Obviously, we’d like to choose ARCs for authors our friends love most.

The most helpful way you can tell us about your favourite books, series and authors is to make a recommendation. Recommendations gets separated from the general feed and will never get buried. They show up in places like the author’s page, where other people who are curious about the author will see it.

Some of the authors listed about have yet to be added. If you’d like, we’d love it if you could make a recommendation for our “to be added” list to help us prioritize which authors to add next. We’ve also made a guide for recommendations for your reference.

Here is our current list of recommended authors



  1. Many of my favorite authors have passed away over the years, so I don’t imagine their names would be very useful to you. I’m just getting back into collecting favorites and catching up on books I’ve missed now that I have more time to read again these past couple of years. Lately I’ve enjoyed many of the works of Deborah Crombie, Anne and/or Tony Hillerman, Martin Walker, Donna Leon, Karin Slaughter, Kate Atkinson, William Kent Kreuger, Elly Griffiths —and several others. I used to read Craig Johnson, Laurie R, King, Preston and Child, Johnathan and Faye Kellerman, and a few others regularly but have missed several in those series now. All of these authors have already been recommended, though!

  2. I haven’t read all of these authors by a long shot, but I recognize most of their names. Except many on Jane’s list, which I find quite intriguing. Maybe you can add some recommendations for them when you find time, Jane.

    Most of mine are in the list above too. Some books that have stayed with me since the day I finished reading them were written by Amy Tan and Suzanne Collins.


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