I believe this quote can be found in several of the Three Pines books. A Beautiful Mystery I think is one, although my memory is quite poor for details like this so please forgive me if I'm wrong, and please feel free to add any other books where this is quoted.



    1. Thanks Libby!! I think there are much more important things to store and access in the long term memory drawers to be very honest! But…I do believe that you mentioned some journals that would be accessible in Florida and I did love your Kindred Spirits story! You have a gift for storytelling, Libby! Hope you’ll share something else whenever you find a bit of time. 🙂

      1. You are too kind Katherine. I’ll have to put together another Kindred Spirit adventure soon. We’ve had so many adventures it’s hard to know where to start. But your nudge will help me figure it out.
        Have a grand weekend!!


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