Reply To: What did you think of “The Frozen River” and why?

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January 16, 2025 at 5:44 am #32948

Good point, Susan. I was struck, too, to discover that Martha’s diary was taken as “gospel,” and not questioned as to its veracity. I found it particularly interesting because it was, actually, an early form of nursing documentation, which is often used in legal matters to this day. I was taught that “if it wasn’t documented, it wasn’t done,” so heaven forbid you ever forgot to document something! Of course, it’s fallible; people can make mistakes, forget things, get things wrong, downright lie —- it’s a human activity, and human error is inevitable, and sometimes the human impulse to CYA (I hope that’s not offensive to anybody! If so, I apologize, but I can’t think of a polite way to say that at the moment) leads to lies and manipulation of facts, unfortunately — but I was interested to see that in this case, nobody ever questioned the truth of Martha’s documentation. It was accepted for what it was. As for disinformation, you are so right — whether purposeful or not, misinformation can have devastating consequences, and can lead to not only legal miscarriages of justice, but general misunderstandings, unjustified fear, hatred, and all sorts of negative actions.
