Reply To: The Black Wolf bingo card

January 16, 2025 at 6:44 am #32955

Hmm. Well — I really expect more Mob involvement, and I’ve been thinking about Anton from Glass Houses as maybe having some clout here; if not, definitely some connection with the Moretti organization.
I expect more government corruption. I expect that Shona is going to uncover a lot of corruption as she looks into the trade deals between Canada and the U.S.
I think it’s possible that there might be Russian involvement, because of the Russian mercenaries that had been hired for the water treatment plant plot, but that could have been a red herring.
I think that elements of the government and law enforcement are in league with the Mob, as they are in position to potentially control pretty much everything if they work in concert.
I believe there’s still corruption within the Surete and other law enforcement organizations. I feel that either Madeline Toussant or Evelyn Tardiff (if not both) are corrupt, and I expect that Armand is going to be cautious around both of them, and may purposely mislead them while he continues his own investigation.
I expect a great threat to the environment, whether just Canada’s or more globally. Charles was checking out water sources and I’m sure the areas he targeted are important, but I’m convinced that wildfires will be involved, after having seen the proposed cover of the new book; those look like flames and a forest on fire in the background to me. Perhaps he was noticing water sources that could be used to combat fires, among other things, though I expect I’ll learn something new about environmental threats in the book along the way. And I suspect that Three Pines is going to be threatened by the upcoming disaster, and we’ll see the villagers banding together to help one another.
I think that the main showdown is going to occur in Canada; there may be trips to the U.S. (I’d love to see more of Gen. Whitehead); I’m just not sure how wide this conspiracy is, and how far reaching it’s going to be. Maybe there will be more involvement with the countries visited in TGW, but maybe new connections might lead us to other places, too.
Black Wolf vs Grey Wolf? Whoever we’re dealing with in the Mob is a BW, for sure. We don’t have enough info on that informant to know what motivates him/her, so I can’t guess which way they’ll turn when the stakes are revealed, yet.
At least one person in the Surete is probably a BW; maybe Toussant or Tardiff; but maybe we’ll be introduced to someone new, too. I can also see Toussant and/or Tardiff playing their own game of subterfuge, navigating known corruption until the time is right to reveal it.
Armand and his team, of course, are pure Grey. Whitehead is Grey. Sister Irene, if we see her again, is Grey. I’m not sure where the PM will land — he put Lauzon in power for some reason; so that doesn’t look good. I think that if LP gets down to fictionally choosing to make the Canadian PM and the American President corrupt and in league, it would be too much (Whitehead said he expected a change of government, and to be out of a job so I don’t think the president who is current in this tale would be one of the BWs). I’m sure I’m going to have a bunch of delightful surprises along the way in TBW, and I can’t wait to discover them!
