Reply To: Martha and Ephraim’s past
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You all have touched quite eloquently on the many moments that made Martha and Ephraim’s relationship so special; their relationship added such depth and richness to a story that would have been fascinating enough without it, yet was so integral to sustaining Martha throughout her life and work. The use of flashback to flesh out these characters worked very well, revealing layer by layer what was behind the present actions that were unfolding. They were fully formed characters throughout the present narrative, and yet how much better we get to understand them through these gradual reveals! Reminds me of when Armand met Jean-Guy in TWOC and recited the poem about “there’s always another story; there’s more than meets the eye.”
I’m not sure I can really pick my favorite moment regarding their relationship, as their deep love was revealed in so many wonderful ways, as you all have mentioned. I think, if I had to choose, I’d pick the way Ephraim handled their marriage after Martha’s rape, though. That sensitivity, so rare, really struck me. He saw her not as property gained in a financial transaction, as so many marriages of that time were, but instead as a real human being, already beloved, and now traumatized and in need of healing. He loved her enough to put aside his own needs and help her instead. That bedrock of trust, caring, and regard was then built upon and sustained them through all their ups and downs in the years to come. I found it very moving.