Share Your Creativity
Call For Entries: The Three Pines Art Gallery 2025 Exhibition. In Celebration of Louise Penny’s 20th Novel In The Chief Inspector Gamache Series. Oct. 28, 2025
Creative projects for the virtual Three Pines Art Gallery
No judges, no prizes…just fun!
Let loose your creativity in the medium of your choice…be it fabric, paint, wool, rug hooking, clay, pen or pencil, charcoal, photography or any mixed media, digital, etc. Written word, poetry, stories, etc. are also welcome. The sky’s the limit! Anything you choose to work with. Any format you can think of. Any project that allows you to express yourself.
Subject: What inspires you in the village of Three Pines? Is there a scene that stands out that needs to be captured in your art?
There is no restriction on size.
The only rule is to try to “keep it secret”
Submit your art anytime, all entries will be held here, in private, until Oct 28, 2025, when all entries will be published here at the same time!
Note: You should see a confirmation note after you click the “Share Your Work” button below and submit your entry. If you do not see a note of thanks for your submission or if you have any questions at all, please just ask!
Entries accepted from now until Oct. 27, 2025.
Three Pines Art Gallery 2024
Thank you for visiting! The idea of the Three Pines Art Gallery was proposed by Marion Yarema. We’re thrilled to see Marion’s brilliant idea come to life. Many thanks to Marion and all the fantastic artists, poets and Three Pines fans who made this happen.
In our daily discussions, we often celebrate Louise Penny’s magnificent art and examine the many ways she has demonstrated her mastery of her craft. But here today, we’re pleased to be able to host this special event to celebrate art that has been created by our book club friends. Just like Ruth, Clara and Peter, many members of our group are artists and have spent months creating Three Pines-inspired art in honour of the latest Gamache book. The creativity and talent on display in this special art exhibit are wonderful.
This art gallery embodies what our community book club is all about. It’s a shared space where you’re welcomed with open arms to enjoy yourself, meet friends, and chat about the things you love. The spirit of Three Pines lives within us all, and through this special website, we hope to nurture that spirit in ourselves and others.
We invite you to take a moment to visit, view the exhibits, interact with the artists, share any pieces of art that speak to your heart with your friends and family, and spread the love of Three Pines to everyone you know.
Inspiring Members Of Book Club Friends
Who invented the idea for the Three Pines Art Gallery?

Happy Tuesday, Libby! Hope you’re surprised by some joy today!