Updated: Sept 2024

This website – bookclubfriends.com – contains affiliate links to products. Affiliate links are links that direct a reader to a third-party website where you may buy an item from the seller directly. This means if you click on the link and purchase an item from their website within a certain time frame we may receive an affiliate commission. Buying through affiliate links will not add any additional cost to you.

We’ve added links to online retailers to make it easier to purchase books, for anyone who might be interested. We hope that one day, any sales may help us offset the costs of creating and maintaining this site. But that is very unlikely given the tiny amount we earn for commission for books that are purchased via a link on our site (cents for every book). And we do support and encourage borrowing through your local library and purchasing via your local independent bookstores! See our FAQ section for more information and links for more free resources.

We are committed to keeping this site and our social media groups alive and well for as long as we possibly can! The costs to maintain this site come out of our own personal pockets – this is truly our labour of love.

Bookclubfriends.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program that provides a means for websites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon Sites. As an Amazon Associate we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.

We also provide affiliate links to the following online retailers: Google Play Books, Rakuten Kobo, Apple Books Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million.

For more information on bookclubfriends.com’s advertising and your privacy, please refer to our Privacy Policy.