Reply To: Martha’s choices
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Martha fought a lot of battles simply because she was a woman. Her strength, courage and conviction about her role in caring for others impressed me. I am confident that Martha struggled greatly over whether to publicly challenge Dr. Page’s medical practices. I tend to think given the misogynistic thinking of the times it would have been futile for her to go about town denouncing Dr. Page. I’m afraid if she had done that more people would have turned away from her and suffered the consequences of their choice to do so. It’s a sad truth that often people have to learn the hard way whether a person’s credentials are a true testament of their practical knowledge. It’s heartbreaking that it takes the loss of life to see the light. In the end many who initially turned away from Martha came back to her when they realized that she was the one with whom to trust their lives and the lives of their babies. Not the Harvard graduate.