I finally got in….yikes!! (Password issues). I was very sad at the idea of not interacting with friends I have come to love and trust! So, hiya!



  1. Well, it’s 10:59pm, so it’s still the 20th of Nov here in Vancouver, and we’ve just learned some news at this late hour. We have it on very good authority that it is a certain someone’s birthday today!

    So we wish you a very happy birthday, Carolyn!

    You joined our FB group way back in October, 2019, over five years ago. You have consistently asked interesting questions, shared special parts of your life and your love of books and reading with us, and, most importantly, you have always been extremely generous with your kindness and compassion with other members. You stand up for what you believe in with a gentle consideration for other points of view and you’ve helped to shape us into a lovely community with fabulously interesting, intelligent, and wonderful friends. Thank you so very much for all your contributions, Carolyn. We hope you know how much we love and appreciate you! Sending you much love and our deepest wishes for all the very tastiest eats, the grooviest music, the happiest moments and the most lovely companions to share all those special moments with. ❤

  2. Happiest birthday, Carolyn! I’ve always loved your posts, and the poem you shared with the group. I hope you’ll share more of your poetry and thoughts with the community. Some voices are so pleasant to listen to, and yours is one of the voices I always enjoy hearing from.


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