"How the Light Gets In" or "A Trick of the Light"? Which book do you think this photo fits with best?

Photo credit: Christian Majcen in Austria



  1. Ooh, very cool picture! I think it makes me feel more “How the Light Gets In” than ATOTL; because the trick in that book was referring to that white dot in the Virgin Mary’s/Ruth’s eye in that seminal painting of Clara’s– the art dealer was wondering if Clara had really meant to create that nuance of hope, or if it was just a trick or accident; and I think there were more themes in that book that wrestled with what was real and what wasn’t; what was reality and what was illusion (I’m thinking of the murder victim’s dual nature, whether people really do or do not change, and Jean-Guy’s struggle to see what was real and what wasn’t in that leaked factory video). This picture, to me, is the real deal, and seeing that sunlight bursting through is uplifting, and that’s how I felt at the end of HTLGI!

    1. Oooh. Great points. Every time I think I know the books quite well, I read something someone has written here or in the forums and I realize that I need to go back for my second read through the books, much, much more carefully.

      1. I feel the same. I keep finding new things, new thoughts, new angles. With the latest book, I happened to have a map of Montreal, and so decided to look and see how many of the many places the characters had eaten at in the city were actually real– most were! And I got an idea of where Armand’s pied-a-terre and JG and Annie’s homes must be, based on descriptions of the one restaurant that was “right around the corner!” I love that there’s so much real detail in LP’s writing, available to be discovered if you’re in the mood. Not only do I enjoy the stories at face value, but also for the many new things I learn along the way.


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