Tax in the form of my much loved Grand-cats and Grand-dogs; Simon, Moonpie, Cosmo and Patrick, ever bringers of joy, comfort and amusement. Simon, pictured here, is a therapy cat. He belongs to my oldest son, who has MS, and never leaves his side when he is in pain or having a particularly bad day. Simon also enjoys wearing a harness and being taken for walks. He is a lovely, handsome, prowly ginger beastie.

(I know this should be in the cat tax forum, but I am having trouble posting it there.)



  1. Jo-Anne, I am sorry to hear about your son but this is an amazing critter and wonderful support. We have never had a ginger cat but I understand they are amazing.

    And, I think you posted in the official “tax” account!

  2. Welcome to the pack! I think Jane is right, you have posted your cat tax in the perfect spot. Simon is a beautiful boy! He must be very good natured to walk on a harness and serve as a therapy cat. I’m sure he is wonderful in his job. Your son was very smart to find and adopt Simon.


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