Tax in the form of my much loved Grand-cats and Grand-dogs; Simon, Moonpie, Cosmo and Patrick, ever bringers of joy, comfort and amusement. Simon, pictured here, is a therapy cat. He belongs to my oldest son, who has MS, and never leaves his side when he is in pain or having a particularly bad day. Simon also enjoys wearing a harness and being taken for walks. He is a lovely, handsome, prowly ginger beastie.
(I know this should be in the cat tax forum, but I am having trouble posting it there.)
Oh my Simon is gorgeous and such an important helper for your son. Welcome all!!
Thank you. Simon had made such a difference to my son’s well-being.
Jo-Anne, I am sorry to hear about your son but this is an amazing critter and wonderful support. We have never had a ginger cat but I understand they are amazing.
And, I think you posted in the official “tax” account!
Thank you. I tried to post in the official tax account, but I didn’t think I had succeeded! Gingers are amazing!
Welcome to the pack! I think Jane is right, you have posted your cat tax in the perfect spot. Simon is a beautiful boy! He must be very good natured to walk on a harness and serve as a therapy cat. I’m sure he is wonderful in his job. Your son was very smart to find and adopt Simon.
Simon is gorgeous! Welcome to you and the whole gang. 🙂
Hello Simon and Jo-Anne. What a gorgeous ginger! I love his Canadian patch. He looks like an amazing support for your son.
Welcome to you and your beautiful and helpful ginger cat!
Handsome boy with an important job. He looks like a serious boy who knows his responsibilities and just wants to be there for his human.