A wish for all . . .



    1. We are all well. This morning, after eating some of the ferals went out into the yard where a path had been shoveled to the bird feeders and another big space without snow between the feeders. Unfortunately, the partially open storm door on the back of the garage is frozen to the concrete step and I cannot get the door open to take care of the birds. This has never happened before. Ice melt didn’t work nor a hammer and chisel. Any ideas? More snow tomorrow, but not as much as the eight of the previous storm. I have to go out tomorrow to pick up medicine which I couldn’t have the pharmacy mail because there has been no mail service.

      1. Oh, do be safe. I hope your roads are well-salted and regularly getting cleared. I have no idea how to solve your frozen door situation. Hot water or a hot hair dryer came to mind, in order to thaw the ice, and ice scrapers, but I have no idea if that would be in any way useful for you. Good luck!


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