With respect to our recent conversation regarding LP's FB post and her post today saying that she's staying on FB, I'm sharing her quote here. Not to go back to that discussion, but to bring up a theory.
I think there was a post here with the theory that #20 might be the final Gamache. I've seen other comments on the Internet echoing that theory. I've always thought that she would continue past #20, but now, in light of her two recent FB posts, I think she gave us the answer. If she was ending Gamache, she would be retiring because she has said that she would always be using Three Pines to explore the topics of interest to her. I can't imagine that she would stop writing books in this series and start a new series, can you? And if she is retiring after #20, then she will no longer need a public profile on FB for marketing in the near future. Given her thoughts and feelings towards Meta, I don't think she would maintain a presence on their platforms if she didn't absolutely have to, and I think she has to because #20 is not her last book. What do you all think?
I hadn’t heard those thoughts and so I haven’t given it much thought that TBW could be her final book. You make a good case here and I certainly hope you are right in your assumptions.
I hope #20 is not the last of Gamache and company!
I have seen comments that #20 is her last, but I certainly hope they are not true.
I am going to take heart in the fact that during her appearance last fall in Lancaster, PA during her book tour, she said that she was going to continue to write her Gamache stories. She keeps her husband alive through these, in spirit, for one thing, and she wants to continue to spread the idea that goodness exists. I made the assumption that she didn’t just mean to continue to write only one more book for the series. I agree that she’s made her choice to continue to use FB and whatever platforms that will work for her for a reason; she still has more to say, and she wants to reach her Gamache audience, so while I don’t know where these nebulous rumors of her quitting are coming from, but I’m choosing to hope that I interpreted her comments correctly and can look forward to many more years of the Three Pines folks to come.
Thank you for this, Susan! I think we can believe what she said on such a recent tour. The theory was publicized on a popular podcast by a reader who claims that LP is her favourite author, but her review of TGW was, let’s just say, not positive. I think that ideas can spread quite quickly, so I’ve seen the theory shared many times in various forums. I’m with you on your interpretation of LP’s comments.
That’s interesting. I really wish people would fact-check before they make statements. Just emphasizes to me the need to be a skeptical reader, and not to take anything at face value.