Here’s another nod to The Searcher and our upcoming discussion. This is also a love story, which perfectly fits into our timeline for discussion.
A little story about George and Mabel.
“They say that crows usually mate for life. George and Mabel have certainly stuck together through good, and some very bad, times.
In spite of babies lost to illness and a seemingly catastrophic injury, George has kept on keeping on and, with the help of his mate, Mabel, seems to be thriving.
We never did figure out what exactly caused George’s beak to break. Theories have included: crash landing; attack from other birds; and a run in with a rat trap. I don’t think George is going to tell me any time soon. In any case, I hardly think he notices his half-beak any more.
He’s developed his own method of scooping up food, turning his head upside down for a more efficient “shovelling” action.
You would think that other crows would take advantage of George’s disability, but he and Mabel, as a team, are a force to be reckoned with. While George comes down to pick up their breakfast, Mabel stands guard on a higher roof and warns of incoming interlopers.”
June Hunter took these amazing photos and wrote this lovely story:
That’s fascinating! Thanks for sharing that lovely story.